Yesterday it seemed that the stars were on my side. I had a happy surprise and what I had thought was going to be a relaxed day at home turned out very differently indeed.
During my mid-morning Facebook check (time has to be passed somehow......!) my cousin, who also lives in London, invited me over to hers that evening. I was thrilled to hear from her and of course accepted her invitation. I thought the occasion marked an excuse for a new dress so took myself off to explore the sales. I was very happy to find a beautifully embellished dress which hardly cost anything at all.
I returned home to find my boyfriend busily revising (he has exams next week) so put on the film 'Bright Young Things' and settled down for the afternoon. Having never seen it before, I was unsure what to expect but actually really enjoyed it. The film gently shows the dichotomy between young people's carefree attitude to living and the realities that, at some point, must permeate a superficial existence and lifestyle. I would definitely recommend it.
In the evening I arrived at my cousin's for a nice meal she had cooked and then we went out. Our first stop was a house party in Chelsea which some of her friends were at. It was quite a small affair but fun and I met some interesting people. We then headed to 151 for some boogying and saw some more of my cousin's friends. I had booked a taxi for 2.30am and, after some more dancing, it was suddenly time to go. It was such a nice evening and my cousin and I hadn't seen each other for so long.
Today, as you can imagine, I am not feeling on top form. My boyfriend wants me to hurry up on here so that we can go to Mcdonald's! A burger might just do the trick though......
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